Additional protection for cooling towers with C-Protection Coating

Cooling Tower Protection

The cooling towers offered by MITA Cooling Technologies are made made of long-lasting materials: fibreglass, PP and PVC, hot-dip galvanized steel.

Today, you can also rely on C-Protection Coating: the additional protection of hot-dip galvanized steel parts. Customers can ask for it in case of installation contexts with an aggressive environment or particular water chemical characteristics. Furthermore, C-Protection Coating is effective in increasing resistance to the external environment.

Here are some of the advantages of C-Protection Coating.

  • Protection of parts made of hot-dip galvanized steel.
  • Cost-effective alternative to stainless steel.
  • Water saving, higher concentration factor.
  • Designed around water quality, environmental conditions and expected product life.
  • Longer equipment life.
  • Low maintenance.

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