MITA Remanufactured Industrial Coolers: now one more, Truly Sustainable Solution

Cooler Remanufacturing

We decided to establish internal guidelines to promote the take-back and remanufacturing of those devices that have the potential for new life after several years of honored cooling.

With the Remanufacturing Project, MITA intends to offer additional solutions to its customers.

  • Possible take-back of products sold years ago, avoiding disposal costs for the user.
  • A Range of Regenerated devices on prompt delivery and at favorable economic conditions.

This new offer is beneficial for our customers but especially for the environment: less waste to dispose of, less consumption of raw materials and energy.

You can get more details by reading the Remanufactured Cooler Service page.

For more information contact MITA: or +39 0382 67599

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