Evaporative Cooling Systems

Do you want performance and efficiency for your industrial cooling system? Then the cooling towers and evaporative condensers ensure both in an extraordinarily simple way. Innovative technical measures reduce water consumption and noise levels.

Requirement: performance, safety, small footprint

Often the cooling component of industrial or civil plants, especially large ones, requires significant thermal gradients of the fluid. High performance, compact dimensions and, of course, safety. One of the most versatile solutions for all this is evaporative cooling.

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The solution: cooling towers and evaporative condensers

An evaporative cooler uses water to bring the temperature of the fluid close to the “wet bulb” temperature of the installation area.

Industrial Process Cooling: What to Know

Operation of evaporative cooling

This category includes wet cooling towers and industrial refrigerant gas condensers.

The heat exchange can be direct (open circuit towers) or indirect (closed circuit evaporative towers, industrial condensers): the high performance and the possibility of managing the cooling process with maximum safety do not change.

Safety management in evaporative cooling

International third-party organisations such as Eurovent and the Cooling Technology Institute outline good practices for proper water management in cooling towers and evaporative condensers. You can also manage your plant efficiently and safely through integrated cooling systems:

  • cooling plants to contain control equipment,
  • control systems equipped with inverters to automate equipment operation,
  • conditioner dosing and salinity control equipment.

Evaporative cooling has two allies

They are cooling technology 4.0 and noise protection innovations.

  • With remote control platforms, you can have the performance of your evaporative cooler just a click away in your management system (Industry 4.0).
  • In civil buildings, it has become necessary to keep the noise down: low-speed fans and sound-absorbing hoods are the simple and effective solution.

So, you can always count on highly efficient and environmentally friendly cooling towers and evaporative condensers.

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